When a family leaves their child in your care, there is a relationship of trust between their family and your staff.
Pickup and drop off time are a perfect opportunity to dazzle parents with personalized service and top security that inspires confidence. In a member first industry, we strive to create a fantastic experience for members, we welcome families into the larger community of our organization, and become a second home to young children that parents can rely on while they tackle each day at work.
Modern member based organizations can welcome hundreds of clients a day. With a line up of families ready to check their children into childcare and tackle the rest of their morning routine, we all want to create a daily routine that members look forward to.
That’s why we created Avocado Engage: a tablet friendly interface for managing clients as they enter your facility and check in to your services.
Balancing Simplicity and Security
Checking in a full roster of children to morning child care can be chaotic for parents & staff. With dozens of kids ready excited to start the day and parents anxiously waiting to get to work, everyone wants to get checked in quickly and get the day started!
Avocado Engage allows staff to check each child into child care in an instant. Parents can disclose pre-authorized pick up and drop off contacts during sign up, so when attendance time comes in the morning, all staff needs to do is check a contact off from a list. Once a child is checked in, a record of their attendance is automatically saved and backed up in the cloud thanks to our seamless integration with Salesforce.
Engage leverages Avocado’s member management system to provide a detailed record of who’s picking up their kids and when.
When checking a child into child care services for the day, your staff can easily track which parent or contact dropped them off, and more importantly, which contact has been pre-authorized to take them home.
Engage’s interface is friendly enough that your staff could hand the tablet over to parents, allow them to choose authorized pick up/drop off contacts, and inspire confidence that their child will be safe at your facility.
Engage provides peace of mind to both parents and staff, keeping everyone informed so children get home safely. And the best part? It’s simple enough that your staff can focus on what’s important: conversation with your members!
Book a demo today and see the power of Avocado Engage
Isaac is a Sales & Marketing expert with years of experience in digital media. As Sales & Marketing Assistant at TechShare, Isaac loves the opportunity to connect with new people and get to know their business needs.